Born in Warsaw.
In the years 1987-1996 his child`s drawings were the designs to his mother`s unique tapestries (Jolanta Pachowska - a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, (a state university of visual and applied arts). These works were exibited, inter alia in Poland, Austria, Finland, Germany and in many cities in the USA, where they were published by numerous prestigious magazines among others the magazine "Fiberarts".
A secondary school certificate in the Jerzy Grotowski Grammar School (High School) No 21 in Warsaw (which was so-called a social school, not a state school) with humanistic and management and artistic specialization.
Next he began his studies at the Architecture Department at Warsaw University of Technology. Since then he has also worked as an assistant/teacher at one of the better courses of architectural drawing in Warsaw - "Labirynt" (Labyrinth) He has been participant of architectural and drawing plain-air courses organized by WAPW (Architecture Department at Warsaw University of Technology) (Lvov, and East Borderland 2004, Paris 2004, Prague 2005, Budapest 2005, Prague 2006, Toruń 2007, Vienna 2007, Toruń 2009, Lower Silesia 2009, Brno 2010, Lower Silesia 2010, Toruń 2010, Toruń 2011).
Each of them had an exhibition at the end. He is the author of fantasy and science fiction illustrations edited in the albums "Dragons", and "Alien".